We’ll be presenting at NHLRC’s 10th International Conference on Language Teacher Education, UCLA Covel Commons, February 2-4, 2017. The conference, Language Teacher Education for a World on the Move: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Student Populations, will focus on 21st century migration and globaliza …

CLASSRoad will be at the STARTALK 10th Anniversary Fall Conference on October 14th and 15th, 2016, in Atlanta. The Fall Conference provides an opportunity for STARTALK grantees to reflect on 2016 programs, attend sessions developed for teaching critical languages, learn about resources that will enr …

June 14 – July 17, 2015 (Fully Online) Five-week fully online advanced program for Arabic and Chinese teachers. You will learn how to plan effective language learning experiences in synchronous blended/online environments using P6 a-b-c Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) planning cri …

Religion is a powerful force that organizes our view of the world. It helps shape our behaviors, morals, and values. It contributes to our personal and collective identities. Differences in religious beliefs and values effect how we construe and relate to the “other”. Larger geo-sociopolitical reali …