STARTALK Summer 2009 – Teaching Arabic – Content Based Instruction

About this Course

Very often Arabic language teachers find themselves needing content knowledge to teach certain subjects in Arabic.

The online portion of the class will provide lectures on various subjects and thereby increase teachers’ repertoire of knowledge, confidence, and quality of instruction. It will also help teachers to understand the connection between teaching the Arabic language through teaching subject matter. This will allow teachers to integrate real and meaningful topics in the process of teaching Arabic.This year, the STARTALK CLASSROAD program will strengthen your Arabic language teaching skills by enhancing your knowledge in a wide variety of topics that are relevant to the Arabic language. In order to do so, we will focus on Content Based Instruction, a method that is often used to teach second and foreign languages. We will focus on how to teach the language through various topics such as literary texts, proverbs, music, and more. The online course will also focus on the Content-Based Instruction method.

What you will learn

There are four main objectives for this program:

  1. Teachers demonstrate an up-to-date and professional understanding of Content-Based Instruction in Arabic language instruction
  2. Teachers are able to articulate ways in which to apply Content-Based Instruction in their own instructional practices
  3. Teachers can identify ways in which their existing Arabic language teaching practices either integrate or do not integrate Content-Based Instruction
  4. Teachers are able to list a potential set of resources that could help with an Arabic instruction unit that utilizes content-based instruction in the open-book final

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Course Availability

Course Duration

Course Instructors

World Languages and Cultures



Language of Instruction

Target Language(s)

Course Credit

Course Cost
US$ 75.00

Course ID

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