STARTALK Summer 2011 – Integration of Assessment in Lesson Planning for Arabic Teaching

About this Course

Building on our previous workshops on Teaching Arabic thru the Communicative approach and Teaching Arabic thru Content Based Instructions , this years workshop will bring you the  “best practices in Arabic teaching” as presented in real classrooms. The program addresses a broad yet carefully selected range of topics.

Through the online lectures, discussion boards, quizzes, homework and practical in-classroom training, the program will equip you with a deeper understanding of Arabic teaching along with technologies, approaches, and resources to enhance your teaching skills, confidence, and performance in the classroom.

The course includes topics like:

  • Multiple Intelligences in the Arabic language classroom.
  • The use and integration of technology in the Arabic language classroom.
  • Collaborative work (Travel brochures) in the Arabic language classroom.
  • Pre and post reading strategies in the Arabic language classroom.
  • Culture in the Arabic language classroom such as Music, Proverbs, Food…etc.

20 of the highest online achievers will be selected to join us in sunny California for one week onsite training, which is part of a unique immersion program for Arabic learners at California State University – San Bernardino

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Course Availability

Course Duration

Course Instructors

World Languages and Cultures



Language of Instruction

Target Language(s)

Course Credit

Course Cost
US$ 75.00

Course ID

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