STARTALK Summer 2013 – Designing Blended Language Instruction for Anywhere/Anytime Learners

About this Course

Are you interested in:

  •  Furthering your technology literacy skills for teaching world languages?
  •  Designing instruction content in order to teach online and in blended contexts?
  • Delivering and assessing ACTFL standards-based learning using digital tools and strategies?
  • Imparting a range of 21st century skills to your “digitally native” students?
  • Enrolling in a nationally recognized program?

If your answer is YES!, then this workshop is for you! Our program, delivered in English but featuring various target language examples, is designed by experts in blended/distance language learning. Topics to be covered include: online learning environments, learning management, digital citizenship, student orientation, backward design for blended contexts, student-centered instruction, assessment, trouble-shooting, and teacher effectiveness evaluation. Instruction will closely reference ACFTL standards, communicative skills, language assessment, and integration of culture and content. Individual and collaborative work will offer opportunities to utilize tools like Google Moderate, Google Hangouts, Edmodo, and Rich Internet Applications, among others, to deliver blended instruction in target languages.

The program is comprised of two components. The first part, open to all LCTL instructors, is a new two-week asynchronous workshop featuring instructional video clips, discussion forums, quizzes, and assignments to be completed within a timely manner according to your personal availability. The second part is open to a limited number of top-performers from the first part who are Arabic, Persian and Chinese instructors, and involves professional goal-setting and three days of preparation for micro-teaching, and three days of micro-teaching and peer feedback. Micro-teaching will be in the form of delivering a lesson to students at California State University, San Bernardino using the distance learning tools covered and modeled in the program.



In order to participate in our 2013 program focused on blended/distance teaching,
you should be comfortable with the following:

  • signing up for user accounts at online services
  • downloading and installing software or browser plug-ins on your computer
  • using Google Drive (Google Docs) for creating various document types
  • modifying images in basic ways (cropping, resizing, saving, uploading)
  • copying and pasting URL links from digital projects into blogs or websites
  • using social media platforms in basic ways (Twitter, Facebook)
  • using a webcam and built-in or attached microphone


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Course Availability

Course Instructors

World Languages and Cultures


introductory, Intermediate

Language of Instruction

Target Language(s)
Arabic, Chinese

Course Credit

Course Cost

Course ID
DBLI 100

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