STARTALK Summer 2015 – Taking TELL Online: Planning Effective Distance Language Instruction

About this Course

Online Professional Development for Arabic and Chinese Instructors

The TELL Project is based on research that shows that the greatest factor in student achievement is an effective teacher. TELL provides a blueprint for effective world language teaching through key practices and behaviors of model world language teachers.

Our new 2015 program will situate the TELL principals within a broader approach that involves connected teaching, Professional Learning Networks (PLNs), student community building, peer feedback, and cultivation of 21st century skills. Our particular forte is in preparing language teachers to apply these dimensions in online/blended contexts. Thus, “Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning” will not merely serve as a reference point in our program, it will be the content focus for participants’ learning experiences, enabling them to incorporate certain dimensions of the framework in their teaching.

The program will focus on planning the following in synchronous blended/online environments:

P6a (performance objectives and proficiency targets)
P6b (students’ self-assessment of attainment of lesson objectives)
P6c (activities that enable students to meet daily performance objectives)

What you will learn

Five-week FULLY ONLINE advanced program for Arabic and Chinese teachers.
  • You will learn how to plan effective language learning experiences in synchronous blended/online environments using P6 a-b-c Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning (TELL) planning criteria.
  • (This is a new CLASSRoad 2015 STARTALK that will build on the TELL criteria that was covered in our 2014 program where we focused on self-assessment and personalized growth plan.)
  • Asynchronous learning (self-paced online tasks to be completed daily), synchronous sessions (live online) with instructors and peers.
  • LIVE online micro-teaching activities with university students at California State University, San Bernardino.



The ideal participant will have prior knowledge and experiences in blended/online teaching. There is no face-to-face meeting or residential component requiring travel. You can participate from the comfort of your home or office, provided you are highly motivated, set aside the required time to stay on schedule, have the necessary computer hardware and accessories, and have the needed degree of technology/computing skills. Participants should allocate at least 3-4 hours per day for this training. All training is provided in English, but tasks and lesson design activities will address the language participants teach Arabic or Chinese. Please note that to participate in this program, you must use a GMail-powered account (GMail or a university/organizational account that uses the GMail platform and tools). You will set up or update your CLASSRoad user profile with your GMail-based email address. When you pre-register for this program, you will be asked to complete an online assessment, based upon which we will notify you of acceptance into the program. Successful participants will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Course Contact(s)

Muhammad Abdul Aleem

Course Tech Support

Maria Costea

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Course Availability

Course Instructors
Bobby E. Hobgood, Ed.D.
Instructional Co-Lead
Barbara Lindsey
Instructional Co-Lead
Andrea Guillaume, Ph.D.
Instructional Associate

World Languages and Cultures, Online Instruction


Intermediate, Advanced

Language of Instruction

Target Language(s)
Arabic, Chinese

Course Credit

Course Cost

Course ID
ST S2015

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