Teaching Languages Online (Spring 2014 Session)

About this Course


4-week Online Course for World Language Teachers

March 29 – April 26, 2014
This online course is based on CLASSRoad’s highly successful 2013 STARTALK summer teacher training program. If you missed it last summer, now is your chance to enroll in a unique program that prepares teachers of Arabic, Chinese, Persian and other languages to become effective online teachers, implementing ACTFL standards and STARTALK principles. You will learn how to use connected teaching practices to deliver language instruction and assessment to anywhere/anytime learners in distance/blended contexts. Through this course, you will integrate 21st century skills, teacher effective for language learning (TELL) practices, collaborative work, digital badging, and other strategies to engage and prepare students.

To view a video excerpt of the course click here.

Key Benefits:

  • Learn and get help from a live Online Instructor throughout the five-part course.
  • Access the course materials online from your computer at any time, from anywhere.
  • Go at your own pace, committing about an hour per day on average, to stay on schedule.
  • Expand your professional network of language education peers across the nation.
  • Reflect on your experience with colleagues during an end-of-course online webinar.
  • Receive a Professional Development Certificate upon successful completion of the course.
  • If you have not previously taken a CLASSRoad course, please click on the Register link at the bottom of this page. If you already have a user account, you can Login and Enroll using the enrollment code provided below.

Course Content:

  • 10 video presentations from experts in distance/blended learning, with quizzes
  • “Facebook-style” discussion environment
  • Collaborative work in Google Docs (Drive), Padlet, Voicethread
  • Blog posts on your progress and reflections
  • Digital badges for participating, contributing, and demonstrating acquired skills

Topics Covered:

  1. Introduction to Distance Learning
  2. Connected Teaching
  3. Fostering Communication
  4. Developing Effective Lessons
  5. Assessment
  6. 21st Century Skills
  7. Connected Learning
  8. Community Building in Distance Courses
  9. Logistics of Teaching from a Distance

Enrollment Fee: $149

Registration is closed for this session.

Class size limited to 40 students.

To benefit from this course, you should be comfortable using computers and integrating technology in your face-to-face classroom. No prior knowledge regarding distance/blended/online learning is required, thought it could be helpful. Participants who complete the course with a grade of 70% or better will receive a Professional Development Certificate in PDF format. Two units of In-service Credit ($100/unit) or College Transfer Credit ($300/unit) available after course completion, for an additional fee.

This course was previously offered: June 11 – 24, 2013 (STARTALK)
Get your certificate!


Course Alumni Roster:

Hadeel (Laguna Niguel, CA)
Fatma (Las Vegas, NV)
Majd (San Jose, CA )
Marwa (Arlington, VA)
Wasan (Fairfax, VA)
Eman (Cupertino, CA )
Mohamed (Alexandria, Egypt)
Pei-ni (Alfred, NY)
Lan (Bronx, NY)
Zhaohui (Alpharetta, GA)
Hidayat (Annandale, VA)
Ola (Duarte, CA)
Raneen (Bridgewater, NJ)
Safaa (Clayton, NC)
Yan (Richmond, VA)
Chunmei (Newburgh, IN)
Jenny (Minneapolis, MN)
Fadi (Medford, MA)
Thana (Dover, PA)
Lili (New London, CT)
Hanan (Winchester, MA)
Nidhi (Loveland, OH)
Luluah (Northborough, MA)
Maria (Virginia Beach, VA)
Eva (Cicero, NY)
James (Bronx, NY)
Somia (Fort Mill, SC)
Salima (Malden, MA)
Dun (Dublin, OH)
Hong (Newnan, GA)


Testimonials from Course Alumni:

I had a challenging yet rewarding experience working with other participants in groups on certain activities. It gave me a first-hand experience of being a student! That is to say, I was in their shoes… experiencing challenges that may come up with DL environment, let alone experiencing the tools and technologies widely used in DL environments, to evaluate and assess its pros and cons for my future classes. I got to know new teaching professionals from whom I learned and worked, and I look forward to continuing my engagement with this PLN for years to come. – Fadi

This course emphasized what I always believed in, and that is while you can teach technology directly, you can also teach it indirectly, by focusing on the main subject (teaching), and forcing the students to use the different tools (technology). This way one would acquire the tools without being aware that they’re learning, this I found to be one of the best tricks for learning, and I would use it. – Ardemis

I loved the blended learning concept, it was new to me. The course was very useful and educational, all topics were informative and I gained a lot of knowledge that I can demonstrate in my classes. The course was supported with videos, reading materials, good resources. The course provided good information in how to use the new the technology we learned. The fact that you provided online staffing to be available during the entire course to help, assist and support learners was very impressive. – Somia


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Course Availability

Course Instructors
To be announced

Professional Learning



Language of Instruction

Target Language(s)
Arabic, Chinese

Course Credit

Course Cost

Course ID
TELL 190

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